Overview / History

  • entrance of Donna Park Elementary

    澳门六合开奖直播 Donna Park

    The shared vision of the Donna Park Elementary staff, students, parents and community is excellence for all. The school affirms that every child can and will succeed in ways that reflect his/her own aptitude and interests. From our dedicated staff and supportive parents to volunteers and community partners, the success and well-being of Donna Park students comes first. Donna Park students have the opportunity to participate in special activities throughout the year which enhance their growth and development: Field Trips, an Extended Day program,, 6th Grade CHAMPS, PTA Family Events, etc.

    Participation with our community contributes to the success of our students. It is our privilege to have St. Paul United Methodist Church as a Donna Park community partner. This Adopt-A-School partnership enhances learning at Donna Park as this works closely with the school to meet the needs of students and families. Due to their tremendous efforts St. Paul United Methodist Church and Donna Park Elementary received the 2002 Adopt-A-School Partnership Award.

    All teachers at Donna Park are 100% highly qualified according to TEA guidelines.


    HEB ISD Core Messages

    1. Students are responsible for their own learning.
    2. Quality teachers and effective schools are essential to students' learning.
    3. Parents and patrons are vital partners in the educational process.
    4. A safe environment for every student and employee is a prerequisite to learning.
    5. Decisions and actions, at every level, focus on and support effective student learning.