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Power RESTORED at Harrison Lane Elementary - September 14, 2023

UPDATE: As of about 12pm, power, phones, and Internet are all back on at Harrison Lane Elementary.

-------Original Message Below ----------  

To All Harrison Lane Elementary Parents & Families:

We'd like to let you know that we are currently experiencing a power outage at Harrison Lane Elementary, which can also cause intermittent outages of our phone and Internet service. HEB ISD Maintenance and our electricity provider are both aware and already working on the issue. Our staff still have access to cellphones and the school has emergency safety lighting.

Students will not go hungry at lunch. :) Our school cafeterias have backup plans for power outages, and will be choosing a plan and making sure food is ready based on how long the power outage lasts.

At this time, we are planning to continue with a full school day, and we are not asking parents to come pick up students. Teachers may have to adjust lessons and class time schedules, but learning will continue.

If you have a question for Harrison Lane Elementary that can’t wait until Internet/phone service is restored, please call the HEB ISD elementary administration office at 817-399-2032.